Fireworks not permitted at matches
Posted : 16th September 2007 at 18:19:53
Around this time of years fireworks can be obtained and Linfield Football Club would like to take this opportunity to advise our supporters NOT to bring these items to any game involving our club.
To let off fireworks in a crowded area such as a football stadium would be a crazy and highly dangerous thing to do and as Linfield takes the issue of spectator safety at our games very seriously, stewards have been instructed to be highly vigilant in this matter especially at games in the weeks ahead.
Supporters caught ignoring this request will be summoned to appear before the Management Committee and will more than likely be banned from attendance at future games.
It is therefore essential that the safety of everyone attending our games is respected and if you ever become aware of the actions of any supporter endangering the safety of other supporters, please make the stewards or any member of the Management Committee aware of your concerns as soon as is practical.