Shirt Sponsors 2019/20

Posted : 22nd July 2020 at 21:26:10

Linfield FC would like to thank all the loyal supporters who have sponsored player shirts during the course of the past 2019/20 season.

Normally, at the end of the season the sponsors are invited to a function in the Linfield office where the sponsor receives their shirt from the player they have sponsored during the course of the season.

Unfortunately, this has not been possible in the past few weeks due to the government restrictions resulting from the corona virus pandemic.

Nevertheless, Linfield Vice President Gary Dickson who has responsibility for managing this lucrative fundraising effort on behalf of the club has arranged for the shirts to be delivered to a number of their sponsors.

The others will be delivered as soon as possible.

Over the course of the next few days photos of the happy shirt sponsors with their sponsored shirt will be added to the official social media platforms.

In turn they will also be added to this news item.

The first two pictures above feature Ryan McCullough

Above - Robbie Speers

Above - Norman Davison

Above - Linfield vice chairman Stephen Dickson

Above - Alan Campbell

Above - Darren Steele

Above - 1st South Belfast LSC (John Hewitt)

Above - Keith Ferson

Above - Ciggy Vapes (NI) Ltd

Above - Jackie’s Quality meats

Above - 1st Mid Shankill LSC

Above - North Time and Data

Above - Thomas Moore

Above - Linfield Supporters Trust

Above - Urban Fitness Dundonald

Above and below - Henry Hughes

Above and Below - Aaron Cully

Above - Graham Larkin

Above - Mid Ulster LSC (Henderson family)

Above - Jim Haughey sponsors namesake Mark

Above - Rhys and Zara Dickson sponsor Gareth Deane
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